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Qt Quick components for Symbian Technology Preview


For some time now, we have had an active Qt Labs project (http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-components/) with the goal of providing Qt Quick components for application developers. Now we are pleased to announce the first Qt Quick components for Symbian Technology Preview to speed-up already rapid Qt Quick development!

Flickr example application

By taking Qt Quick components into use, you will be able to unleash the functionality of a ready-made set of QML-based UI building blocks that are designed with specific native appearance for the target platform. Even though this is the first technology preview, the set of (20+) components is already quite comprehensive; starting from the basic UI elements like Button and Dialog to more advanced page navigation functionality with the integrated PageStack and ToolBar. A full list of available components in this Technology Preview is included in the documentation.

The components that are now available are implemented for Symbian. There are certain mobile platform-specific features in certain components such as StatusBar, as well as in the functionality related to device orientation switch. In these cases, a stub implementation is provided to enable cross-platform development. One essential piece of developer offering is the Qt Quick components – common API definition that ensures easy portability to all supported platforms. Upcoming Qt Quick components for MeeGo will also implement the same common API introduced on Symbian. The progress of the common API is tracked here: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCOMPONENTS-200.

To ensure a richer set of APIs, the ‘platform’ prefix is introduced for properties and functions that are platform-specific. In any case, we recommend using the common API in your application when feasible to ensure a minimal porting effort. In addition, there is always an opportunity to define your own QML based layout and develop your own rockin’ QML only UI components with custom look and feel to match your application and use case. And thanks to the simplicity of Qt Quick, you can easily combine your own components together in the same application layouts with your choice of Qt Quick components.

Please note that this is the first Technology Preview release, and is not intended for production applications yet – it is provided for evaluation and feedback purposes. Due to this, applications developed using the Technology Preview version of Qt Quick components are not accepted to Ovi Store at this point.

Music Player example application

The Qt Quick components for Symbian Technology Preview contains:

– Qt Quick components
– Reference API documentation
– Components gallery for Symbian
– Music Player and Flickr demo applications
– Example code snippets and documentation

In the last Qt Quick components blog post, there were a few comments stating that it is not trivial to install the components on to devices. We heard your feedback and the answer is here for Symbian^3 devices currently available in the market (tested on N8, PR1.2 SW).


Prerequisites: Qt SDK 1.1 Release Candidate, installers are available here: http://developer.qt.nokia.com/prereleases

Windows: Download installer: qtquick-components-for-symbian-win-1.0-tp1.exe

NOTE: Qt Quick Components installer doesn’t detect automatically Qt SDK installation directory and presents a directory selection dialog during installation. It is important to pick the root directory of Qt SDK installation e.g. “C:QtSDK” for this dialog.

Linux and Mac: Download the source package: qtquick-components-for-symbian-src-1.0-tp1.tar.gz

Refer to README file inside the package on how to compile and install

To get started on Linux and Mac, integrate help “qt-componets.qch” -file to QtCreator Help from Preferences -> Help and open the Documentation tab.  Add the “qt-components.qch” to the list of documentation.

Installation to device (tested on N8 PR1.2)

1) Upgrade device software to PR 1.2 (if needed) using Nokia Ovi Suite: http://www.nokia.co.uk/support/download-software/nokia-ovi-suite/

Connect your device and computer and select “Software updates” in Nokia Ovi Suite’s and follow instructions

2) Install the following .sis files: Qt 4.7.3 and Qt Mobility 1.1.2 (or from QtSDK’s directory: “[PathToYourSDK]SymbiansisSymbian^3″)

3) Install Qt Quick components (or from QtSDK’s directory: “[PathToQtSDK]SymbiansisSymbian^3qt-components”)

4) To see Qt Quick components in action, you can install Gallery, Flickr or Music Player (or from “[PathToQtSDK]SymbiansisSymbian^3qt-components”)

5) When developing and testing your own Qt Quick application on a Symbian^3 device, you need to install and run TRK (Debug Agent) on the device: “[PathToQtSDK]SymbiansisSymbian^3TRK” 

That’s it! After a successful installation, create yourself a new project inside Qt Creator. You can find the documentation in the Qt Creator Help, by selecting “Help | Contents”, and you will see a Qt Quick components entry on the left hand side. In addition, you have tool support available within Qt Creator, e.g. for helpful auto-completion in source code. Context-sensitive Qt Creator Help is opened when you select a component/element in the code editor and press the “F1″ key.

To get started with the code itself, check out the Music Player and Flickr (“Qt Quick components edition”) example applications and learn how to use Qt Quick components in your application. Once you’ve written your first application, and installed the Technology Preview to your device, you can install your application to the device as normal and it will find the Qt Quick component library ready for action.

Feel free to comment here or in the public task tracker (http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCOMPONENTS), which is the central hub for staying up-to-date and filing bug reports or suggestions/improvement ideas. Another channel for feedback is our mailing list (http://lists.qt.nokia.com/mailman/listinfo/qt-components). In your e-mail, please indicate whether you are using the Technology Preview, or alternatively specify which Gitorious snapshot you are using!

After this Technology Preview release, the project moves to a stabilization and a common API validation & alignment phase, including the development of miscellaneous under-the-hood features like RTL (Right-To-Left) and UX enhancements. You can find the source code and track the further development of Qt Quick components here: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-components/. The documentation included in the Technology Preview covers detailed building instructions for Qt Quick components.

Known issues are available in Qt DevNet Forum: http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/5068/

Happy coding with Qt Quick components – We look forward to hearing from you!


The post Qt Quick components for Symbian Technology Preview appeared first on Qt Blog.

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